Liebster? Oh Yes! =D
Much much much thanks to Ajay for yet again, awarding me. It's this Liebster award . Which, companeros, I'd no clue whatsoever as to what it meant. Open Google homepage -> Google Translate -> Type Liebster -> German detected -> Meaning Favourite. That's quite a booster, you know, considering the fact that so many people have been un-favouriting(that's not even a word) me! So technically, you have to: 1) Tell 11 facts about yourself. Which you can read here . 2) Answer the 11 questions tagger has asked, and frame 11 more for who you tag. Well, (a) If you were given one wish, what would that be? I'd like to start playing my guitar again. Or maybe just have the last year back. (b) Which place do you wish to visit the most? Ladakh, I guess? (c) If you somehow become the President, what would be the first thing that you'd do? I'd put a bullet in Kasab's head....