BlogMas 2017 Day Seventeen - Stop.Stare.Stare.

Hello. It's Day Seventeen! And barely a week to Christmas.
It's a heady thought. To be someone's knight. To have someone believe in you so recklessly, you feel invincible. Isn't that what all of us are unknowingly looking out for? For someone to make us seem unassailable? Or is it something they just merely want us to believe? Power, fame, money, love, hatred, friendship, kindness - all in their own capacity yield the unyielded in us. And yet, we are at our rockiest when another human does the same. And it's such a twisted little thing, you know. We are amongst the most evolved. And when something as concrete as a human mind affects another, to make it feel invincible, it's a drug like no other. Perhaps, its the kind of chapter in all of our lives we never recite vociferously. It's that one secret summer from all our lives. Perhaps. And this is not a thought that's too important, but I can't help give it one anyway. Are we made to feel unbreakable because they need someone strong in their lives? Someone to lean by, and hold them through the rocky? Though this does make me feel that the ones with the capacity to instil all those feelings inside of you are more invincible than the rest of us. They might not know to be strong enough, but they sure have mastered the art of strengthening someone else for their fragility. And it's the most exhausting thing to do in life. To be strong for others. This clinches you into nothingness. It's like standing on quicksand. Because what if when you no longer have to be strong for anyone? And to get out of the swamp, you need someone just as indestructible as you were to another. It's a vicious cycle. But, you know what they say about you becoming the person you love.

Until then.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


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