BlogMas 2019 Day Eight - Soulless Friends

Why do we need to begin anew,
Why do we clean our slates?
Why do we not desist?
Why do we feel all the magic?
Why can't we fondle that magic?

Why are we aching,
And when does the soreness ease?
Why do we always meet at point zero?
Why do we always fetch for those letters?
Why can't we unlearn?

Why is there an ending,
And why don't we just know?
Who's going to be beat my dragons?
Where's my fairytale?
When is it over?
When does it become a memory?
Do you have minor, unnoticeable feelings?
Do you feel in ways where you shatter worlds?

What are all these questions,
And who's giving the answers?
When does the grieving stop?
When does the healing start?
Do you tell a fib to yourself?
When are you ingenuous?
Are you diffident?
Do you take care of your vulnerabilities?

What time is it,
And, why are you sleepless?
Why are you weary?
Why do you tuck away your scars?
Why are you combative?
How long does the war go on?
Are you conquering, yet?
Do you do it alone?
Do you ask for help?
Are you meticulous about harming yourself?

Are you someplace else,
And, when do you return?
Are you lost?
Why don't you stay lost?

Ask yourself. 
More tomorrow. Until then.

Santa in His Pants; Artist: James Pierechod

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,


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