Things No One Can Ever Make Out About Me...!!!!

Hola compañeros!
Okay, so I'm INSANELY SICK of physics now. What else more refreshing than my dear blog. And what more random and insane for someone who's already going insane due to the insanity of the physics' insane chapters.

1. I'm a calm control freak. Yes, I know it sounds pretty contradictory.
2. I'm a very patient person. I'm easily irritable, but anger and impatience are something that come to me with much procrastination.
3. I eat like a lion. I need a meal every two hours. I simply live to eat. <3
4. I'm not really bothered about haters. I've ample people who know me well enough to stick by my side at all times whenever the hater tried imposing a vamp-like plan to destruct me.
5. I'm a huge movie buff. I HAVE to go to a theater at least once a week.
6. I'm not a non-vegetarian. I'm a CARNIVORE. I can literally tear and eat anything up in a jiffy.
7. I read. Like a lot. I'm a voracious reader. I once finished an entire 270-pages novel in a single night.
8. I used to be an amiable guitarist. I left it for reasons which make my entire lifetime seem short to repent over. Playing it again would mean learning it all over again.
9. I don't really know how to hate.
10. I always, always have a back-up plan. I never make a move,either my studies or an outing,without having second options ready.
11. I've learned basic Bharatnatyam. I was really small back then. I then shifted my place and left it. I predominantly was learning it because my parents wanted me to. They loves dance. I'm more into freestyle.
12. I'm not AS a good dancer as people presume me to be. It's just that I can shake it like no one else can.
13. I sketch, and paint. I've decided to write about it too. I'd like to post some of my sketches too. =)
14. I'm not someone who'd hold grudges. I can slaughter someone I'm frustrated upon, but I'll be fine with everything after a day or two. 
15. Contrary to what people think after watching me with my friends joking and laughing, I'm a very quiet person. I hardly talk. Ring me up, and you'll be the one doing all the talking.
16. I literally have NO ONE to talk to presently. There's this one best friend of mine, Ruchir whom I talk to each night. That's all. No one really texts or calls me. That just gives a consequence for the last point.
17. I'm a very confused personality whose very clear about her ideas. It's true. Try making sense out of it yourself.
18. I've painted a canvas only once. What a shame! :-/
19. I eat a lot of fruits. This contradicts point6 and proves point 17.
20. I'm religious. 
21. I hate pink, but not enough for me to throw anything pink out of my wardrobe.
22. I can't tolerate hypocrites.
23. I think Vijay Mallya's a stupid ass. His son was smarter to have dated Deepika Padukone.
24. I find George Clooney really SEXY. He's the man! (Y)
25. I've a lot of best friends. =D
26. I believe that the entire discussion about love is over-hyped.
27. I haven't painted and sketched since July and I'm dying for my Boards to get over for me to start it again.
28. I'm a nerd! There I said it!
29. I'm a really lovable child. All my teachers love me.
30. I love stationary. 
31. I've seen the James Bond series at least twenty times.
32. I'm a music lover. I love Loreena Mckennitt, Axl Rose, Diana Krall, Shania Twain, Children of Bodom, and so on and forth.
33. I can't eat butter. I puke even at the slightest catch of its smell. I eat cheese.
34. I can't decide which is better- red or black.
35. I'm a good swimmer.
36. I want to go deep sea diving, desperately! 
37. Unlike my contemporaries, I hardly use kohl for my eyes.
38. My eyes are really small. They get squeezed to a line whenever I laugh and my friends most of the time end up laughing on the fact how Chinese I look while laughing.
39. I used to top in physics till tenth grade and was average in chemistry. Now I flunk in physics and am great in chemistry.
40. Math comes very easily to me.
41. Now I'm bored of typing so much.
42. I sometimes sleep with my socks on.
43. I'm a pathetic singer for some songs and a good singer for some. Moronic? I know!
44. I want to go mountain biking.
45. I easily get bored of shopping.
46. I go on a lot of vacations. I love them.
47. Contrary to what people think because of my stern outer covering, I can be easily flattered.
48. I'm more funny and hilarious when I'm irritated or angry. My one-liners at that moment are to die for.
49. I'm someone who stays very aloof at times.
50. Phew! Finally 50.
51. I'm an absolute maniac. People think I'm pretty dangerous-action-louder-than-word-kind of a person. I'm not. I can't retreat myself once I start laughing.
52. I laugh very easily.
53. You probably would have slept by now!
54. I can't converse in Hindi fluently. I drop a lot at times.
55. I hate people who write the incorrect spelling of my name and people with the same name as mine also using incorrect spellings. I've seen people writing 'AKANSHA', 'AAKANSHA'. The most pathetic was 'AAKAANKSHAA'. I mean come on, it's 'AKANKSHA'. Mummy, papa aur teacher ne Hindi nai padai kya?
56. I always keep something with me to eat while I'm studying. I usually drink a lot of green tea (okay, go on, laugh; but it's refreshing). I always feel extra hungry while studying.
57. I'm more into international cuisine than our very dear Indian cuisine.
58. I'm a good cook. I mostly cook desserts. The best till now has been Strawberry and Creme Brulee.
59. I'm searching for a very old song in my library right now which I'm more than willing to listen.
60. I hit really hard! Don't mess with me!

That's all for now fellas.
See you.
Till then, tener cuidado.


  1. Whoa! Nice!
    You know yourself very well.

    A small suggestion: the font color is a little bit more contrast to the background! There is a little bit of difficulty in reading! (Just my opinion) : I know about your 60th point. So!

    Anyways, Nice blog. Take Care.
    And all the best for your Board exams!

  2. Ajay, thank you so much. I'll see for a change in colour. Haha. Don't worry. I won't hit. Thank you. =)

  3. shucks. cant believe the guitar is out!

    post ur sketches~
    I'm a very confused personality whose very clear about her ideas. tel me abt it! :P

    btw what ideas?

    you hate pink and the font is pink. lol.

    and u know yourself too bloody well. i could never make it past ten!
    keep writing!

  4. Ideas regarding everything. Sketches would come up after the boards are over. Nooooo, it ain't pink. When I choose it, it seemed like a shade of purple, now it's pink. I felt too lazy to change it anyway. Yes, I miss the guitar way bloody much. Thank you. =)

  5. if u miss the guitar, get back to it. not religiously but occasionally. u p get amplae time in collg :)

    and bacchi itna thanku bolne ki koi zaroorat nahin.

  6. I'm trying to. Playing it all over again would mean beginning it all over again. Uh ok. Thank you?

  7. Choosing between Red or black is like giving the value of ∞. Its impossible.
    So, instead of getting confused just make it 'red and black'.

  8. There is a lot of mutual contradiction here. You ARE very confused.
    And regarding 16, text enough people and they'd reply back. If you don't feel like initiating, get an sms pack in phone, by the 20th day you'd feel like you're wasting the pack by not sending any sms and so you'd try to cover up in last week.

    After that your social life would transform. True story, been there done that :P

    1. The confusion has apparently always been there, I guess because of the bizarre characteristics I've. But that's a good thing, you know! I get to be somebody different each day.
      Haha. No no. That was because I'd my board prep leave and so most of the people including myself used to shut the phone during the day. I do talk to my friends. Everyday! After all so much for the relaxing time for a sciencee! =P


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