Post AIEEE After-party

Amarillo todas las....

So apparently, with the AIEEE B.Arch. exam tomorrow dangling over my head, I realised it a couple of weeks back that maybe, just maybe, I won't make it to SPA Delhi. Vijaywada or Bhopal might happen; but then SPA Delhi is SPA Delhi any day! I thought of leaving out Math and perfect my Aptitude and drawing, but even if I do so, I will be needing some assistance from Math to boost my rank a bit. 
But hey! I still have NATA, which is apparently not happening till the end of May. 
I thought of re-accomplishing certain things after the Boards which I was clearly unable of, courtesy the entrance exam! 
I really want to, 

1) Go shopping. Enough of being a lazy ass and deny the pleasure of it just for the sake that it irks me! I need to expand that stilletoes collection of mine! And what I need is a couple of dresses too! You might want to see this!
2) Prepare an utterly-butterly cute gift for my best friend Himani's eighteenth this Tuesday! And also write out a lamba-chauda chhittha on my blog for her! Sigh! So much for a friend who's as equal a nautanki as you!
3) Since there'll be no Math for NATA, kick the paper and get myself another option of a decent Architectural College.
4) I promised of getting back to my painting post the Boards, but couldn't do so! I want to sway my brush yet again and create magic! I desperately want to get back to knife painting; it's the best thing that can happen to any painter.
5) Pull down my dear guitar from the loft, sift away its dirt and start playing again.
7) Fulfil my promise to my friends to tour each and every fort of the city.
8) Start donating blood and visit an orphanage religiously!
9) Go on a campus-yatra with Monika. I mean, hey! I had Economics too, and so is the option of Eco(Hons.) as my back-up career option.
10) Prepare a mind-blasting gift for my parents for their TWENTIETH anniversary this Saturday! 
11) Compensate for all the time I neglected my friends this past month due to entrances! 
12) Try becoming the same sweet girl people once knew me to be!
13) Take part in Mindblowing May, being hosted by my fellow blogger Ruhani.
14) Gather enough courage to be able to tolerate the blow that the Board results would throw toward me.
15) Visit some good Art Galleries. 
16) Complete my story of The Chronicles of April Levesque.
17) Spend more time with Aabhaas. And post about other of my men too! =D
18) Start learning how to show to your friends that you're proud of them, if they accomplish a milestone they set for themselves. Learn to be a bit more expressive. My words show negligible feelings as to what I actually sense inside of me!
19) Start cooking something new again and create new recipes and desserts, and shove it down the throat of my brother who's been bugging me since forever to cook something for him! 
20) Start visiting this temple in Green Park I used to go to! Visit a mosque once, and tour some beautiful Churches too.

I hope only for my aptitude and drawing part to to well for tomorrow. God help me with Math! Wish me luck, companeros!
I shall see you (most hopefully) regularly from tomorrow!
Till then, tener cuidado. Mantener a patadas en el culo! =P :*


  1. thats a terrific list....even i have a very big list of things to do ones this entrance exam gets over

    1. Thank you!
      I hope you complete yours too! =)

  2. Just keep your cool.
    All the Best for your exam.
    And that's a very big list. Hope you complete that one as well. :)
    Btw changed the font and the welcome note, right ?

    1. Haha! Don't worry, I will!
      Thank you. It sure is!
      Yes, a lot of people found it difficult to read!
      Oh that's just gone from "hola companeros" to this one; it just means "yellow all" =P

  3. Nice list.. Me too have a whole list of such things on hold.. You understand the values of such things only when you have exams.
    Best of luck..


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