Where Have You Been...?????? =P

Amarillo todas las...!!
So apparently (I've been using the word a lot lately!) is my NATA entrance tomorrow! I'm assuming I'm prepared. Look what a bunch of free weeks do to you! For starters, I'd have never thought that that Math of middle school level would irritate the hell out of me. But then of course, you have aptitude too, which is a bit of a oxygen supplier. Although they expect you to be aware of certain architectural terms which you'll probably get to hear of only if you're a part of the freshman's year at any architectural school, like the water pipes in your house are superficially chrome-plated and not technically iron, for the water rots it out. BEAT THAT! Like they expect we go check the metal used in the plumbing. Talk of lack of imaginative field work. Tch tch. Such lack of imagination! And then comes the drawing paper - my knight with the shining armour. Only if I don't have to use the sickening colour pencils. The pastels are just so cute! 

Meanwhile, I'm planning to write a song for my chuddie-buddie Doodieman. Although it'll be my first, mostly feeble attempt at any sort of song writing or even the basest form of poetry, I'll try for his sake. There's something about rhymes - WE AREN'T MEANT TO GO HAND IN HAND. A kindergarten kid would rhyme things better, just that he's at a loss of my vocabulary. *evil laugh*
The Antarctica would turn into a desert if I ever get a verse to follow even the simplest A-B-A-B tessellation. 

Besides, there have been things happening lately which are enduringly pushing me into a cauldron full of thoughts. I feel like a blend of Rihannas in her songs "We Found Love" and "Where Have You Been". Haven't listened to the latter (Ignoring the unadulterated Illuminati influence and occults)? Go subscribe to Vevo. NOW! Coming back to myself, I've been quite a turmoil lately. I've never been this cranky, neither has the Bipolar fits kicked in so frequently ever since I was brought to fruition that I was Bipolar. :-/
But it's alright sometimes, isn't it? I'm trying not to be much of a mess. I wish to get back to my own resolved self. But then I feel excited sometimes, realizing that I can be this angry and expressive at times, and it's being enjoyed sometimes. Only sometimes you meet someone who pushes you to the brink of a world of utter nuisance and love and adoration and the kinds of insanity which never prevailed inside of you. 

Anyhoo! Kanika, the Queen Bee, is hosting Jaunty June(AGAIN!), and I'm going to make sure to be a regular part of it! 

So wish me luck for tomorrow, companeros! I'll see you guys tomorrow, most hopefully with Jaunty June! =D
Meanwhile, you can lend your ears to this song!

Till then, tener cuidado! :*


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