Let There Be Awesomeness! (Y)

Okayyyyyyyyyyy! So wasn't really expecting this one, but boom! Yeah it pretty much hit me like that! I won the "Versatile Blogger Award", and have been tagged also! And a lot lot lot lot lot of love to Ajay ! Thanks man. You're a true booster! =D a) Done! b) Seven random facts about myself I hate Shahrukh Khan. Like hate hate hate hate him. I feel like a bonded labour since college started. I got inked again! Awesome much? =D I had my fresher's last night, and I was SO tired that I don't remember half the things. I FINALLY have a DSLR. 550D, bitches! I'm apparently more lonely right now than I've ever been. Ummmm, I don't know! Can't think of anything else! :/ Answers. To be happy, and not lonely for once. My parents. Last thing would be to go to Marine Drive and feel the winds. Working. Working, working, and working. (What else do you expect from architects?) Myself, actually. Had I been a different...