Just Friends....

We enjoy each others company
but for the most part, we avoid it.
We pretend there is nothing there.
We're just friends.
Every time we meet, it's awkward at first.
We check our guard and put up the walls.
We're just friends that's all.
We call each other on the phone,
and always have a good excuse for doing so.
Do friends need an excuse?
You remind me that "We must be careful",
"We can't go there", you say.
The rules have been set,
and we live by them.

We sit and talk for hours,
two sets of blue eyes interlocked
and neither turns away.
I hang on your every word.
Your simple presence in a room,
gives my life a purpose.
Add your voice and a smile,
and I melt away.
The thought of you touching me
makes my body scream out with yearning.
But we're just friends, right?
Why do I feel it's more?
Are we in self-inflicted denial?
Our past hurts have made us so afraid,
We'd rather be lonely than to take that chance again.

I wish I could tell you how I really feel inside.
That I'd be willing to take that chance
To be more than just your friend.
I know you sense this, as I do,
but it's easier to pretend.
Saying it would make it real
and you'd run away and hide from me.

So I'll try and keep the flood gates closed
and be content that you let me be,
Just your friend.

A really old poem I wrote!
See you around. 
Tener cuidado! :*

P.S. I just happened to come across this picture on Tumblr, and I thought it was mind-numbingly pretty!


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