
Design jury was good. Building construction and architectural drawing papers were goodish-okay (yeah, whatever!), and tomorrow I've Visual Arts Jury. *pukes*

NO. I don't want to present those stupid impressionist and cubist paintings! HATED them.
Plus to screw us all, we've Human Settlements exam on Friday. History paper, WITHOUT A FUCKING DAY'S LEAVE. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE, EINSTEIN? *breathes*

Whatever. Another couple of sleepless nights ahead. Will be back soon.

Irritated, and over-slept
Tener cuidado. :*


  1. Don't worry. You'll be just fine.

    And All the Best for the exam, though I have no idea what it is.

    Take Care. :)

  2. haha. before the start of every examseason, i used to just recount how many exams i have given till date. and then ask myself, iske baare main kya special hai?

    turns out, i never quite got to the part where you study :D


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