Here Without You.

Thirteen hours to go. I have no clue what the next year is going to bring by. One can only hope to have things one's been missing, or craving. Where one might not defer from constantly hoping from having their dreams fulfilled, while deep down we all know that it's never going to happen. So I'm just going to wait, wish and hope. So, when you lose everything, the how and the why do not make sense. They don't matter. 
And I'm now tired of being unreasonable and unstable.


  1. Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year. :)
    May you get all those thing you miss and crave for.

    Have Fun, Take Care.

  2. unreasonable and unstable. you?


    Akanksha. as far as i can see, you are this level headed girl who's doing exactly what she wants! how much better does it get?

    and losing everything? never happens. there's always this one thing that's there. and its the strongest thing ever. most people just dont know what to call it. no, its not hope.

    and as for a year that rings like 2013, its gonna be freaking legendary. dont you doubt it.

  3. thankyou. i hate looking at that zero down there! :(
    its humiliating.


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