Enough Never Ends At Enough....

Second blog post in a day. Yay? Woopie much? Not really. Things EVERYWHERE are going pathetic. Shit loads of work, which I don't have any issues with - just that my back hurts like it's been bitten by a rattlesnake. People bugging, teachers ranting, friends ignoring, special ones insulting. I've a ton of work piled up, and I don't really know where to start from. And I've like a week's sleep pending so badly, it's not even funny. It's almost like my eyes are in an Armageddon with sleep. 
Anyhooo, I'll leave. Too much Blogger for a day.

Sleepy, and irritated,


  1. I cleared CAT hoping i would be happy. It was shortlived. Now i realize i have to prepare for an interview that could make or break my entire career. And its tiring. Add to that the fact that i am sitting with ten collg frnds and thrs only one i want to talk to and that hes almost begging me to crack the interview more out of love than anything else and it gets exhausting. Life is harsh my friend, lets just keep walking :)

    1. I'm tired, and I want to rest.

    2. Then rest. But dont stop. And agar kabhi lage ki u have to stop, bata dena. Aage meri problem.

  2. You are being hard on yourself.
    Take a break.
    And Sleep whenever possible.
    Take Care. :)

    1. I've literally done nothing this bloody entire evening, and I'll be royally screwed on Monday.

    2. Oh Boy! The work is really stressing you out.
      You have to relax and take things slowly, may be. I know there is this time factor, but still take it slow.

    3. I guess the God's listening, Ajay. Submissions postponed! =D

    4. Wow, Great. :)
      You better get some sleep.
      Take Care. :)


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