What's Your? - Confession Day 2 *UPDATED*

Apologies for the late post. Work has wrapped its tail around me, and is squeezing the life out of me. You can read about it here.

So the topic for today's confession is GIFTS. 
Everyone has that one gift, one incident, one box, one wrapping paper they always store as one sweet memory.

You can write your confessions on your respective blogs, mail the links for the same at akanksha1293@gmail.com.
OR, if you don't want to reveal your identity, and think your story might embarrass you, no problemó! You can mail your confessions to me, and I, and only I would be witnessing your confessions. They would only be posted on my blog - no identity revealed. I'd be your confession box.

The post will be updated late night. You can even have the morning to yourself, if you wish.

Sometime in 2008.
Valentine's. Day of the doves and the loves. Whatever. Never understood the real crux to it. But two years prior to the year 2008, one guy, just one guy changed the meaning of this day for the rest of my life that was to come. A smooth green, plain sheet wrapped around a small box. Is that what he gifts me after all these years, and after the number of gifts I showered on him today?, I thought. I'd been too impulsive, and too judgemental, till I opened that tiny wrapped-in-green-sheet-tiny-brown-coloured box. It held the most beautiful pendant I'd ever noticed. Knowing my love for Harry Potter, he gifted me my favourite dialogue by Snape saying, "Always." to Dumbledore, enclosed in a silver heart, with a little doe hanging to its side - the same doe that was Lily's patronus charm. It was neatly wrapped in the first introductory page of the last book, Deathly Hallows that had been out a leeeetle while ago only. He isn't around a lot now, but I still have something from him, that made my life, and is going to go with me in my grave. 
Pretty, isn't it? That's the same page he wrapped the pendant in. :')
I'm sorry, companèros, this is a bit personal. 

Apologetic, and tied up,

I'll be back with more. 


  1. Gifts, huh? Hmm...

    A Photo Frame from my crush-turned-sister(-with-a-Rakhi). I know that sounds awkward. :/

  2. sweet :)

    touchy no? people dont stay. their marks do.


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