What's Your? - Confession Day 7 *UPDATED*

A week! =D
You can check about the routine here.

So the confession for the day is DREAMS. 
EVERYONE has that one fulfilled, unfulfilled dream, or a quest for the same.  Confess it! [FACEBOOK PEOPLE YOU CAN JOIN IN TOO]

You can write your confessions on your respective blogs, mail the links for the same at akanksha1293@gmail.com.
OR, if you don't want to reveal your identity, and think your story might embarrass you, no problemó! You can mail your confessions to me, and I, and only I would be witnessing your confessions. They would only be posted on my blog - no identity revealed. I'd be your confession box.

Tawang. Switzerland of India. High end waterfalls, all year round snow, limitless tranquility. A place so silent, you almost feel you're touching the sky. That's where I want to be.

The post will be updated late night. You can even have the morning to yourself, if you wish.

On the verge of....oh whatever,


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