What's Your? - Confession Day 9 *UPDATED*

SO sorry about the late post. Too much work, and sleep deprivation.
Day nine. You can know about the routine here.

So today's confession is about THE DARK SECRET.
Everyone has it. Deep down. The one you didn't even allow for your soul to see. Confess it! [FACEBOOK PEOPLE YOU CAN JOIN IN TOO]

You can write your confessions on your respective blogs, mail the links for the same at akanksha1293@gmail.com.
OR, if you don't want to reveal your identity, and think your story might embarrass you, no problemó! You can mail your confessions to me, and I, and only I would be witnessing your confessions. They would only be posted on my blog - no identity revealed. I'd be your confession box.

Enough said. <3

The post will be updated late night. You can even have the morning to yourself, if you wish.

Hopelessly ignoring work,


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