Fantabulous February Day 1 - Just Let Me Be

Okay. Sorry for not being able to update the Confessions routine, courtesy my college trip, and limitless measuring of mosque, and limitless tiredness. 

And today's inspiration is...

Wait. See. Look at me. Try to envisage. I'm the most ecstatic thing ever gifted to you. I've given you reminiscence, ideas, the ability to see, to talk, to even love. I've given you the chance to know the universe like the back of your hand. Look at me again, I'm pretty, pink - even your girls like the tint. Don't misuse me. It hurts. Don't take me for granted. I have the power to make you see things non-existent, turn you non-existent for the world. The world will talk of my importance, but they will chick me out of their might too. Listen. Think. Yes, you need my help to think. But, think. Don't waste me. I'm valuable. You'll realise my essentiality some day. But I'm always around. I'll see you till your hallucinations end. Till you see some light and heat.

Sleepless, and tossed out,


  1. brain? LOL!

    we dont realize it but its what makes us, us haina?

    damn u r smart!
    and u r pretty.

    what an exception to that classic saying.

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