Too Much, I Tell You!

Too much creativity surrounding my life, eh?
So, thanks to Ajay, who's created this award called Creative Blogger. 

So following are the rules.

1) Okay, so since Ajay has been too kind to award me, I'm going to go ahead being modest and confess that I totally deserved it. LOL. Kidding. I really thank him for this. It's a major boost. Although I agree that I have been seriously not doing much to this blog, I promise to be back with a bang! =D

2) a. Three things about myself,

  • I'm throw things when I lose my head.
  • I never remember things I do when I feel sleepy. It's almost like I'm sloshed.
  • I'm going to bed nowadays with my socks on.
    b. Two things people don't know about me,
  • I love Red Velvet Cake.
  • I've started paying visits to salons. 
    c. I would want to change my hair. I cut them REALLY short          last summer, and it's about time I grow them back. 

3) Okay, soooo...
a. Petty
b. Ironic
c. Cool
d. Happiness
e. Clueless
f. First love
g. Afterlife
h. Life
i. Wrestling
j. Akanksha (Witty, na? I know!)
k. Buzo <3
l. God
m. H(e)aven
n. *pukes*
o. Awesome

4) Nominate bloggers. Wokay! I would like to give this award to:
Kanika at Sensitive Chaos
Nilanjana at ~Nil
Priyanka at The Voice In My Head

5) Ask Bloggers a few questions.
a. What if pigs actually have money inside them? Would you slice'em up to check?
b. What is the worst pick-up line you've been hit upon by?
c. Which God do you presume is a fashionista?
d. Do you believe in hate at first sight?
e. Is Polo an illegitimate kid to doughnuts?
f. What made Passion Fruit have the name it does?

6) Inform the bloggers you've awarded. On my wayyy!

See you around, companèros.
A little more hopeful in life,


  1. Congratulation on the well deserved blog. :)
    You got it right and seriously you aren't kidding.

    Btw, it is not about blogging regularly, but whenever you post, they are interesting and well sometimes creative as well. Hence.

    Take Care and keep writing.
    Well, waiting for the 'Back with a Bang'.

  2. thank you so much! This is the best kind of reinforcement for a person like me! :)

    Unfortunately, I don't wrote much these days since studies have been taking up all my time. I will surely write a blog about you fabtastic people once I give up on my readings or when my exams are too close, my mind is too distracted and my creativity is too high! :P

    Anyway, thank you again.
    Means a lot.

    Love and light,

    1. Isn't it now? =)
      I understand. College and work horrify at times. Please do. Would be looking forward to it.

  3. Congrats Akanksha :) Keep writing more and more! :)

    Until later,
    Keirthana :)

  4. Heyyy,youu. Firstly, congratulations on the award! And secondly, thank you for being kind enough to pass it on :) I'm sorry for the late reply, but hell blogger's been off my mind for a while. Dry spell of creativity. :S Though this was motivation, enough. Thank you!

  5. Sharma! *hides in shame* Man I saw this just now.
    Anyway, Thanks a bunch man! And congratulations to you, you awesome chick! And the confessions thing has to be done later some day!

    1. Bhattacharya! Get done with your Boards, and be back with a bang. And, thank you. :*


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