Aye! Who's Got The Century Now!

Such coolness! 100th post, companèros. 
And like PeaBee, I envisaged I should go down the memory lane. Er, BlogLane.

El Comienzo! This was where I started writing. How, why, when. All there.

I'm Not Sad. Yeah, a lot of people assumed it to be some kind of a ranting post. It wasn't. First fictional post.

Of All The Women In My Life.... Well, my first blog post is technically the first non-fiction. But let's just say for extras' sake. First non-fiction blog post.

The Chronicles of April Levesque. APRIL! APRIL! APRIL! APRIL! APRIL! Writing and creating April has become an inseparable part of my writing and me. It's almost like she's right there, evident in every sense. Longest fictional series.

Stoner (I, II, III). This is what is closest to my heart. Stoner came directly out from the best of me which I didn't realise until now existed. You know like when the happenstance of a lot of minute things with someone reveals to you a lot about yourself which you never wanted to access? Yeah, that. Longest non-fictional series.

You Know Me Better Than That. When I'd started writing this, all I tried to see was what one's life would be like if the most important part of them, the best part left. This is one post which clearly took a lot out of me. And that's why probably this is my no.1 Personal Favourite Blog post.
Hey You! Yes, You! You Brought The Twinkle Back In My Eyes...Again. This was a plea. For someone who happened to you, to make them see what they exactly mean to you. Fictional though, I could relate to it word by word. This is my no.2 Personal Favourite
 मैं उसे जानता हूँ, फिर भी मैं उसे नहीं जानता...... Family secrets can sometimes get ugly. And the successive parts to this will be coming up soon. My no.3 Personal Favourite.
Chitti Chitti Bang Bang!. You know the time when you crack a joke and laugh out loud yourself too along with others? Yeah, that. No.4 Personal Favourite.
The Acerbic Of Me..... This was a part of the routine Mindblowing May. A lot of non-bloggers too read it. A lot of appreciation this one got me. No.5 Personal Favourite
 It's What You Do To Me. This one I'm a little biased for. I wrote it for my best friend Monika who wanted to read something like this. Again a lot of accolades it got me from non-blogger friends. No.6 Personal Favourite.

End Already Now! 1088 Pageviews, bitches. Yeah. Most Popular Post No.1.
Spin-A-Yarn[The Introduntion] - The Journals II. Spin-A-Yarn was a routine by a fellow Blogger. In here you start a story and leave it on an incomplete note and someone else picks it up and writes again. Exactly how the name of the routine puts it. Most popular no.2.
Spin-A-Yarn[The Introduction] - The Journals VII. Yep, I did this routine twice. Most Popular no.3   
You Take Me The Way I'm. Just another ranting post which got me straight 145 pageviews. Bleh. Most Popular no.4
You Know Me Better Than That. Yeah, already discussed this up there! Most Popular no.5

Listen. Stay. Out. Of. My. Business. Wokayyyy! This one takes it for being the bitchiest post EVER! 

In all, writing has become an integral part of me. Almost a year and a half of writing. And boy, is it addictive! Like I said in the last post. I'm not a very powerful woman at expressions. But my words make me believe more in myself than anything else I'll ever do. They're the only voice I have. 
And as for ALL of you lovely people out there. Especially Ajay, Raj, NG, Diwita who awarded me and encouraged me to write better. Thank you, really. 



  1. so although i haven't read all of the above, i l say this.

    you are a remarkable writer. but only as long as you keep writing. and learning.

    adios comparo
    or whatever :P


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