
What am I doing here? What is everybody doing here? What if I'm the only actual human and the rest are my mind's projections? What if the world doesn't exist? What if we were manufactured out of a machine and hoisted upon a matrix mind device right after the machines spit us out?

Okay, moment-of-crisis over. I keep wondering all the time if what I'm studying for, isn't what I'm supposed to be in life.What if I'm supposed to be a writer, and should've pursued English(Hons.), and spent my life writing and drinking coffee with a cigarette in my mouth, carrying expensive hand-crafted diaries with fountain pens holding onto its cover? What if I was destined to be a secret agent? Or, maybe a guitarist? 

They say, we're born with a purpose to pursue, and it's up to us to figure it out. Often we're faced with multiple choices in life, and narrowing them down to one, when you love all of them, is a soul-crushing act. Well, Sanya once told me that the choice between right and wrong is easy; what's tough is the choice between two rights. It's never a straight way out when you know that everything you have a choice to make from is right for you, and will potentially make you happy in the future. What's more, is that you're good at every one of them. Which is why I guess the person who created the concept of the existence of a hobby was a genius. The world is an amazing place to be in. It contains so much in its folds, it's bound to drive you endlessly crazy. Sure, there's a lot to love; but you can't love everything. The possibility of the likeness for something always throws us over the edge. 

It's easy. Keep your hobby, a hobby. Don't mask it in the colours of passion and run with it for the rest of your life. I still think I'd probably make a better writer than an architect. But my constant urge to make something lasting, and effortlessly noticeable outcasts my needs for writing. Yes, writing has its own perks, and happiness. But I've it clear in my mind that my blogposts are only my feelings, my need to be a different character every time I sketch them out in my head. I might want to resort to writing as I grow old, sure, but I don't see that as my career. 

There's never anything as right or wrong. The choice is always between two rights - the only difference is there's one that's right for now, and the latter will be right for some other time. The only thing you need to identify is what feels better than the other one for now, be it two lovers, two books, two stories to write, two designs of tatoos, two routes to somewhere, two holiday destinations, or two radio stations. You only get to make decisions once, so do it right. 



  1. "The choice is always between two rights - the only difference is there's one that's right for now, and the latter will be right for some other time." - I totally concur.

  2. 'There's never anything as right or wrong. The choice is always between two rights - the only difference is there's one that's right for now, and the latter will be right for some other time.'


    'There's never anything as right or wrong.The choice is always between two rights.'

    even more perfect.

    'There's never anything as right or wrong.'
    its just us.

    think about it.


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