BlogMas 2015 Day One! - Mundane Lives!

Hello, Everybody!
So, this is BlogMas Day Uno. I actually had quite an eventful day, as it happens. I was slogging most of yesterday, night and early this morning. And at 7, this morning, I finished the left-out parts of my dissertation, edited the entire thing. AND. IT. WAS. DONE.
And that one moment, that one fleeting moment when the bar for exporting a PDF copy was progressing, I felt just a little, teeny-weeny grown up than yesterday.

It was like being puffed with a little breeze on a beach, I kid you not. I felt really good all day! And, I also got my dissertation hard bounded, and I felt ecstatic holding the eventual result of all my hard work, late nights, numerous books and articles, finally in my hand.  

And, as to why #BlogMas2015 and #24DaysofWriting
Well. It's how the cliché keeps making its rounds about how difficult it gets when you grow up and you have a mountain of things to accomplish in a day's time, and you perpetually forget about the things you love. And that hit me with a ton of force in a way that I almost, always started choosing a little extra amount of sleep I could potentially have over writing or doodling. And I regret it. Massively. And this is the last month of the year, and this Blog deserved me doing something different and special for it. 

There are a lot of times we forget to live. I lived here. This was my space. And this white space has always been here, whether I needed to write a poem that'd been itching the back of my brains, or pour out my frustration.  But, what I forgot was that this space might need me back too. And, I ignored it. Thoroughly. So I'll be here. For 25 Days. Because I'd be very disappointed in myself if I didn't live the way I liked. 

So, y'all know where to catch me. I'll be talking about anything and everything. And as I mentioned yesterday, it might or might not be fictional. Hmmm, maybe a Christmas Erotica poem? *wink* 

On a serious note guys, there are literally times when you have to do, what you have to do. And I think everyone eventually just masks their lack of energy or enthusiasm to do something they really love. It's easier to get into a loop, than to break the monotony. Events came and went, food festivals came and went, ideas to write and paint and draw came and went. But nada. Nothing happening. 

I've realised something about the very mundaneness of everyday. It's addictive. Even though it's mundane for a reason, it's addictive. It's like smoking, I reckon. You want to leave it, you keep trying to make your mind up to do the very act - but you can't because you've put yourself into a habit of it. And we all are stuck in the mundaneness of working, and slogging, and thriving. 

But, alas, we're humans. We have to have a habit now, don't we?
But you know what habits are addictive? People. People are habits that are never let loose.
Why? Maybe, I'll talk about that tomorrow. 
Until then.
Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places:
Instagram           Twitter
Snapchat: akankshash - Fitting, no?

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


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