BlogMas 2017 Day Fifteen - #

Hello. It's Day Fifteen!
Assuredly, bringing myself up to date with this one. Since the last two days were also posted recently, you can catch them on Day13 and Day14.
There are always somethings very known between two people. Manifested, yet mute. This taciturnity, on even the worst days I feel, subsists the most vital air around them. The things unuttered, yet understood are the kinds I'm afraid of the most. It's not even what we call reading between the lines. It's just plain understood within the shared understanding of people who understand each other. Keep thinking. Joke.

Words for me are powerful. I don't hold actions above words. It's easy to pretend and smile and be polite. The words are where you find all your answers. I'm always scared of what people are going to orate next. Words are so important to me, I fall into the category of stupid who'll take your word over your sign if you mean it. And I have an elephant's memory. Things said to me, stay with me like a ghost. And I have collected some brilliantly genius ones, some intelligent ones, happy and sad ones. And on the worst of days, they battle with each other over the tenancy of my mind. We lie. WE lie all the time. And the matter of contention here is that every ghost you collect through your life, are spun out of lies or conveniences. And sometimes, these ghosts scar more than just hovering around. Words aren't just that. With every word you remember, comes a costless dead-eye. And every sense only aggravates each memory. The vision, the smell, the taste, the words, the atmosphere, the intangibles. They all harmoniously work towards breaking you down nice and easy. Just like rainwater, drop by drop over years smothers a rock. Be generous. You don't know the ghost you're leaving behind. 

Until then.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


  1. معلم جبس بالرياض
    يوجد الكثير من العملاء محبين الفخامة والجمال من خلال تركيب أفخم وأرقى أنواع الجبس بالرياض، ولكي يقوم العميل باختيار أجود أنواع الجبس وتركيبها على أعلى مستوى يحتاج إلى معلم جبس بالرياض للعمل على اختيار وتركيب اجود انواع متميزة من الجبس والجبس بورد، معلم جبس بالرياض يمكنه القيام بالكثير من الأعمال المتعلقة بالجبس، فنحن شركة الصيانة المنزلية نقدم إليكم أفضل معلم جبس بالرياض.
    للقيام بكافة الأعمال الخاصة بالديكور الذي يتم من خلال استخدام الجبس، فأنت تحتاج إلى معلم جبس بالرياض فهو من العمال المجتهدين القادرين على القيام بكثير من الأعمال المتنوعة الخاصة بتصاميم الجبس، معلم جبس بالرياض يتصف بالخبرة والدقة في أعمال الجبس المتنوعة ويحرص على استخدام أنواع جيدة من الخامات والمعدات التي تساعده في أداء عمله.


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