There will always be parts of you that are inexplicable, even for you. Though, it seems to matter more to us, than to other people. Try, and think of the moon's reflection in the sea. Rippled, broken, even when it's the moon itself compelling the tides; but somehow, gazing at it, no one doubts that it is, de facto, the moon. That's all of us, the moon in water. For everyone else, we're simply the moon; whole, still round, still white - even when we keep disrupting, and getting unsettled by our own reflections. It's easy for us to oscillate between treasuring ourselves, or not. But, there is a difference between intelligence, and wisdom, and we need to use only one of them when it comes to how we deal with the daily encounters with ourselves. I know I've said this before, but we're kinder to people, than ourselves. And, that's a huge mistake because when I think back on the times I scalped myself over something unapt, it hurts now to know how hard I was...
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