BlogMas 2018 Day Sixteen - Blank

Just slightly over a week to Christmas. And eventually, the year end. We learn a lot throughout a year and by the end of each one, we're ready to make changes in ourselves we thought were not so appealing. But do we ever really change? We're all a complex mash of some rather logical and illogical ideas. It's just that some circumstances or people unknowingly our layers, which, for all we know, might show up again after the next ten. As people, do we ever really change? Or develop habits out of the blue? I feel we always possess the tools to be a certain way in life. We all just find them at a sooner or later date. And that's just how all of us function. Evolving as a person through our life is organic. It's not something that needs approval. Yet we constantly resolve to change something about ourselves all the time. And even worse is how we seek validation for it. Change, to me, is a very personal process. It's nothing to be proud of, it's nothing to be ashamed of.  And there's really no one-size-fits-all in this scenario. It's something that we need to set a standard and pace for on our own. Because the next one is always an empty day. Without hopes or feelings or mistakes. You never know, if you're going to be dominating your life tomorrow, or just accepting it.

Until then.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


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