BlogMas 2018 Day Twenty One - 1800 Kilometres

Everyone should live alone in their life once. All of us should once in life be unattended to, and isolated from human touch. Distance, I've realised teaches you lessons faster than even deprivation. Distance yourself from everything you've known all your life. It'll tutor you well to know how to really live for yourself. And there's a stark difference between living selfishly and living for yourself. We're social animals. Living alone or away just prods that button harder than anything else. We all try to recreate familiarities wherever we go. All that it does is puts us opposite more people than ever in our lives. It's a little shaky at first; though we get used to it. There's a certain novelty in opening yourself up to someone new so often. I feel it gets you more in touch with yourself. After a point, we're all going to question if our own introductions really are in tandem of how we verily are. It takes awhile, though, to really learn to be a pleasant company for yourself, and it's unproblematic to think there'll always be time to have better people around in life. Batching yourself away for a few years teaches you that you need to make your life liveable for yourself first. 'Cause let me tell you, life isn't that all that malleable as we all think it is when we're young. Even the smallest thing like your toilet paper running out can catapult you into sadness. Or just being hit by hormonal wave when you're enjoying some TLC, all on your own. But I think we all somehow hack it. Eventually. And we really should carry that moment as a talisman all you our lives; when we realised it's not that hard to make it all by yourself.
Live alone. It's an unspoken adventure with the adrenaline clearing out all the blurred spots.

Until then.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


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