BlogMas 2019 Day Twenty Three - 26

The law of attraction works only for what you want, not for what you need.
My dreams are almost always more of a warning.
We are always missing someone. Without fail.
I regret not taking more pictures.
If it feels like something is stopping you, really stop. And, breathe.
I am a snob, and I'm okay with that.
I still think people almost always never truly admit to their feelings, or surrender to them.
I don't give up, and it's colossally unfruitful most times.
I observe too much, and I remember too much. It's creepy after a point.
I feel sorry too soon, and too unjustifiably.
I love everything too easily. But, I don't fall in love with it.
I have too many memories, too patented to share.
Kissing helps. Always.
I like people who bring out the worst in me. It's not a side I meet often.
Nothing makes you appreciate your own company than a disastrous day.
The fact that anyone needs healing, is not matter to be taken lightly.
Never stop asking questions. It's forever acute to know why.
There's no need to listen to others, until you listen to your own self. You will always know best.
I'm curious about how it'll be the day I stop hoping.
Can you hope, and still be a realist?
Women are unbeatable.
Someone special is a state of mind. You'll get over it.
I'm finding out so much about myself everyday. I'm excited for the day when I'll meet me.
Acceptance is a way of life for me. And, I can't repay the people who took me as I came.
How do I find out what I'm seeking?
I'm not having fun this winter. I've truly become a summer girl.
Strangers are emotionally the most harmless people to be around.
I was not put here to slog my life away.
You have no idea how empowering solitude is.
No one cares. Keep doing your thing.
No two people are going to affect you in the same way.
I'm still trying to be more of the person when I'm alone, in front of people.
I think I've learnt to, at least, admit my feelings, and defeats to my own self.
Nothing hurts like unanswered questions.

More tomorrow. Until then.

Artist: Francesca Chiti
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,


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