Blogmas 2020 Day Seven: Jhankaar

Over the past few years, I've turned into a massive advocate of energy. And, a major lesson I've derived from that belief is patience. A lot of us enact as being the sort of people "who let things take their natural course." As another human myself, I can say I have it on good authority, the majority of us don't hold the kind of grit to be tailgating that theory. I was one of them. I would rush into things, on the pretext if I don't give it my 200%, it's not going to happen. And, how wrong I was. For some of us, we deem we're giving something more than our all. But in effect, the truth is, for the longest time we're never able to figure, how much of our all, is really our all. It's an immensely tricky thing to know of.

Our minds are our sanctum. So, when we assume we're giving our 200%, and we fail, that same mind uses up all its corners, including the little sanctuary you created in it. And, there goes the peace of mind. And, we do this often, don't we? Allow something external to ruin what's perfectly intact internally. You have to trust that your "all" is enough to get you through. We often see our debacles as us being scarce, and it's easier to forget there's always peripheral plights in play, as well. You're not your successes, and failures, but a mere medium that oscillates the pendulum that causes it. You're the best, and worst of you. You only need to pick the right cards to play.

Nothing in life needs more than a 100% of you. Firstly, because the scales would always tip the wrong way, and secondly, it's not fair to you.

More tomorrow. Until then.

Artist: Hunan

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,


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