Blogmas 2020 Day Three: Jack

I love me a Jade plant. The most arresting thing about Jades is that you can shape it any way you like. You prune it one way, and it grows bushier there. Concoct a scenario of being able to snip parts of yourself to grow in that direction. All of us are always someplace else. Now concoct another, of a dimension where you are exactly who you want to be. An isotope of you in another time. What are they doing? Are you already that person? Do you even want to be? If so, are you doing enough to be that person? Think hard, and think fast about your gears, that hurt you the most. And, then think a lot on them. either you'll start loving those parts, or you'll want to prune them away. 

The most sublime slant about our minds is, they're always in a state of repair. And, it doesn't stop because, miserably enough, we don't. We keep piling the trash can, but never take it out.
If there was a routine cleansing machine for the mind, you wouldn't be mindful about which of your chattels you're picking on. But, there isn't, and we aren't mindful enough of that.

Often, we're all executing without being aware of it. You see, contentment and sanctuary are two very different things. The prior, is what you seek out, and decide to box yourself into. The latter, is the umbrella you use while you go crazy in the rain. And, the moment we conflate the two, is when you lose track of yourself as a person.

Decorate yourself, in any way that holds any clout for you, and in any meaning you take that to be. I'm aware it is easier said than done, but unless I tell you, it's not an assurance enough for me either to pay heed to my own advice. So I'll ask again. Do you want to be that person? If you do, pick your battles. Or, better yet, don't pick them at all. But, you owe it to that version of yourself you dream of, to work on yourself. And, sham it, if nothing else works. Soon enough, you'll believe it yourself.

We're all colour of blue, make sure you pick the shade that suits you.

More tomorrow. Until then.

Artist: Tigran Manukyan

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,


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