Blogmas 2020 Day Two: Carmen

 Who are you? Most importantly, who would you want to be?

All of us are schlepping an incompatible image of ourselves than what the world deduces us to be, and we perdure endlessly, hard as hell to muster all that we want our stories to be about, within ourselves. All our minds are alike war zones; you can effortlessly map out shelter areas, the warfront, some tanks, and bazookas lying in an unkempt corner.

Take five minutes. Take ten, actually, and try fancying exactly how faultlessly you want your life to turn out a veritable way. That's all it takes. Five minutes, and a lifetime to relentlessly netting it all. But, while doing that, what parts of yourself are you putting out in the meat market to be butchered?

For all the innumerable units, for every imaginable kind of quantification for distance, areas, monies, time, no one ever came up with one for an emotional stake. With all of us there are moments we barely remember, and some we go over time and time again. That's what's at stake. Your do-over moments, the ones you have no count, rhyme, or reason for. And, what it all will always come down to - to whom you'll say enough, and for whom you'll do enough.

You may not wholeheartedly accept who you are this minute, but love yourself nonetheless. That is what will ascend you to where you need to be. 

Be owned by yourself. I don't mean own yourself. Be owned. By you. For when you do, you have to give in, have to submit to yourself. Because the prior, that's a burden you raise upon yourself even when you don't want to. So, submit to you, listen, and obey you. Be your mirage, and your oasis, all at once.
So, I'll ask again. Are you doing enough for yourself?

More tomorrow. Until then.

Artist: Marcus Magnusson

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,


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