
Showing posts from February, 2012

Just Let Yourself Float....

Hola compañeros! With the English board on my head tomorrow, what more sufficient than practicing writing skills and writing articles.(=P) And so this is the last and very last part of Kanika's  Fantabulous February .(it's my first Fantabulous February, and last of course, post though) I only happened to realize the kind of dancer Ruhani is, for I saw her dance video just a few days back. This is for you babe. I know how you feel about your dancing, for I feel the same for my guitar! :* The lights, the cheers, the shouts, the laughs, the tears, the applause, the stage, the music, the costumes, the choreography, the jumps, the leaps, the final showdown.  Everything a dancer could have wanted. It was the night when the time for me to bask in the success of being an exquisite danseuse. The echo of the applause still lingers around my auricles, sometimes dropping by the touch of exhilaration and contentment on my fortitude that, yes, yes there was a period when I would...

And Now There's No Looking Back!

Hola compañeros! Okay, so since this past week was my last day in school, I’ve so have been pretty nostalgic about it. Never did I realise how fast exactly did my senior year went by and all that it left me was laughter, some more laughter, bunking memories, the ache for canteen food, tears, fights, more fights, some more tears, happy re-unions and of course some friends I’m sure I’ll be holding onto for the rest of my life. These are some pictures I realised I happen to have after I dug my drive memories hard.  Sigh! And I thought it was good growing up! I still remember the warm hugs on the last day, promises of partying and drinking every third day of the week together. Blah! Who are we kidding?! It's just the hormones speaking. No one's even going to remember the biggest of jokes you shared, or the amount of fights you had. And as I terraced my foot out of the school, I left a piece of me in there which I'm never getting back. ...

Things No One Can Ever Make Out About Me...!!!!

Hola   compañeros! Okay, so I'm INSANELY SICK of physics now. What else more refreshing than my dear blog. And what more random and insane for someone who's already going insane due to the insanity of the physics' insane chapters. 1. I'm a calm control freak. Yes, I know it sounds pretty contradictory. 2. I'm a very patient person. I'm easily irritable, but anger and impatience are something that come to me with much procrastination. 3. I eat like a lion. I need a meal every two hours. I simply live to eat. <3 4. I'm not really bothered about haters. I've ample people who know me well enough to stick by my side at all times whenever the hater tried imposing a vamp-like plan to destruct me. 5. I'm a huge movie buff. I HAVE to go to a theater at least once a week. 6. I'm not a non-vegetarian. I'm a CARNIVORE. I can literally tear and eat anything up in a jiffy. 7. I read. Like a lot. I'm a voracious reader. I once finished an entire...

When Oops Became An Understatement - PART III

Hola   compañeros! And so I figured I can take out a 'little' time for my dear blog, now that there're only twenty days left to my execution (Relax, it's just boards!). So I had this new follower, Diwita. Amazing blog this girl has! I was going through her blog when I came across a series 'When Oops became an understatement'. Unfortunately, there're only two parts to this classic fictional piece she wrote. Thankfully, she permitted me to write a part III to it *God bless her soul*. You can read the first part  HERE  and the second part  HERE AGAIN!   She, now is resolute, she will remain silent of course. She will try and make amends, but she knows that countless lifetimes aren't enough to repent what she has make up for it... *sigh* The penalty of some mistakes, is to suffer in silence. And that's what she did, is doing and shall do.  Sooner than anyone realizes, she would have faded away from their lives...especially ink ...

El comienzo!

Hola   compañeros! So, first hand I'd ACTUALLY thank Ruhani. It's been almost an year since I wanted to blog, but never did I gather enough energy to step out of my oh-so-dearest POOH BEAR blanket (you don't need to laugh on it). This little freak is strikingly inspiring at times; best part is that she remains unaware of it half the time!  It's my first blog, so you'd rather want to pardon me for being silly or boring or any interesting adjective you'd like to impose onto me.  For all of those growing confused about the Spanish post title, since I'm talking of the beginning of my blogs, thence, it clearly means 'THE BEGINNING'. No, I'm not a Spanish pro; my dad taught me a bit which he learnt during his MBA years. I've always been taught of the significance of a 'beginning'. It's funny how people always talk of it in all ways they can't even comprehend. What I find funny is the fact of displaced mystery of an end. They ...