
Showing posts from June, 2012

A Must Have!

Amarillo todas las!!!!!  Apparently a long break from writing, eh?  If you're thinking that I've suddenly turned my blog into a fashion one after reading the title, jump off a hill-top. And if you thought that this one's not much of a necessity, I'll throw you off one, okay? =P Considering femininity, there are obviously a lot of must-haves. That's a universal truth there. Again, jump off into a lake if you didn't know that. Alright! Enough of being a sadist!  Ladies, this is about guys in your life. Yes, I know I'm making them sound like a wardrobe necessity, but aren't they sometimes JUST that? (Okay, guys. Just kidding) Okay, so let's get down to business! 1) The Boy Toy From his naughty smile to his utterly deadly panache, you'll find everything about him perpetually insatiable. He's funny, sweet, cute, sexy; and is more manicured and beautiful than you're. Your atmospherics harmony with him is good for a holiday romance,...

Chitti Chitti Bang Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

Apart from the ultra-boring life that Iā€™m currently leading since past couple of weeks, well companeros, I got into Sushant School of Art and Architecture. *dances her ass off* You know those heart wrenching movies like The Day After Tomorrow and Alien vs Predator or Bourne Ultimatum? Well as interesting they sound and look, and although I'd loved these movies to death, they ring multiple insanity bells in my head. The Day After Tomorrow. Day after I'll be in my den, sipping fresh watermelon crush and reading yet another novel (just by the way I finished One Night in Rio this afternoon). Even though directed with great effects, with an even greater crew, the film manages to make me poop some times. Even though the water level rose enough for half the Manhattan towers to be submerged, the public library somehow manages to have the water be held back only to the ground floor. Although the water force was considerable enough to not shatter the statue of l...

Maybe Not Enough....

We at times predicate it's enough to tell people plainly we love them to make them feel assured, to say the least. I don't suppose it's at all erroneous when they say that you value one when they've left you. It's the void. That big black, empty cavity. There are times when you wish to plunge into the annulment and grab them back. Things start seeming all the more glossy when you try holding onto them. It's like a tug of war. the harder you pull, the harder is the possibility for you to fall on your back, and hurt yourself.  We grow adroit when it comes to shelling our back from reality. We pretty easily convince ourselves that everything we have will be lasting forever.  I lost my Nanaji today. I don't have a grandfather figure any more. The last thing I'm going to cherish is his proud voice a couple of weeks back, when he called me after my Board results were released. The time I spent with him, is untouchable.  All I felt today was regret, to...

The Hidden Of Me...

Amarillo todas las....!!!!!!!!! So apparently, Joyous June, Day2 is here here here here!  No entrances plus joblessness is going to get the better of me, I guess! And today's inspiration is here... Subsurface secrets Lying hidden in our souls Stories left untold So companeros, my first attempt at a Haiku. Guide me, if you predicate I should surpass. See you around, companeros!  Tener cuidado. :*

I Am.

Amarillo todas las....!!!!! So Kanika  changed Jaunty June to Joyous June (I think Jaunty sounded sexy =P) And today's inspirations is.... Accommodating  with yourself can seem quite a job, indeed! There always seem to be two parts of you - an entombed and an emancipated.  I'm seeking to exonerate, to this one rim of me. It's trapped. Pinned down to the mere mercy of my existence. Each fraction of me tortured to not live. My thoughts aren't my own, my heart isn't my own. They luxuriate my brain like an android. My own breath is no more a witness, for I'm pronounced comatose. Their conviction is contagious - for I feel hollow and futile. Everything passes through me like an X-ray through a bone.  I'm seeking to fly, with this one rim of me. It tells me it's okay. It says it's okay to have a heart ache. It tells me it's okay to dwindle. It's tells me to slow down if my ideas aren't working. It has allowed me to open up - to know...