The Chronicles of April Levesque...
Hola compañeros! So I was just sitting and spinning up this story in my mind, which suddenly struck out of nowhere while I was idly enjoying the cool breeze as I was ridden of the horrid tension of Board Examinations.I haven't thought of what might happen ahead in the story. I'm just writing it out whatever had come into my mind at that point of time. Looking out in the obscurity of the night, she slowly walked like a cat clutching the opaque encumbrance of her latest consignment. She sluggishly bordered her black tinted Porsche Carrera GT. She gently laid the cadaver inside the car, taking care to not allow even a drop of blood to ruin the expensive black coverings. Her wagon was the sole thing she was covetous of. She piloted her car all the way to the headquarters, as usual, to abdicate the body over to the forensic department. She led her sleek, tall frame towards the Chief's cabin, as she always did to let him grasp the knowledge of her existence. "S...