Blogmas 2020 Day Twenty Four: Holy Night

Sixth year. Last day. In all of the years of Blogmas, the second, and third year were wildly viewed by people. And, through the years, that number has slightly gone down. I didn't understand, or think too much into the relevance of it initially, because really, it was only my way of wrapping my year up in a bundle of words. I also assume that the numbers that reflect now are possibly the people who care about me, and whom I care about. And, that's more wildly important to me. I was having a conversation with my girlfriends recently, when one of them (read: Mon) said something relevant enough for a whole lot us to understand. We can't put in the effort of two people, just like we can't do the thinking of two people. All we can, and must manage should be within our bounds. Apart from you, no one can help you ensure that more, than the people who really want to be in your lives. It is, indeed, true that people who truly care, remember all details. And, I've been wonde...