
Showing posts from April, 2012

Post AIEEE After-party

Amarillo todas las.... So apparently, with the AIEEE B.Arch. exam tomorrow dangling over my head, I realised it a couple of weeks back that maybe, just maybe, I won't make it to SPA Delhi. Vijaywada or Bhopal might happen; but then SPA Delhi is SPA Delhi any day! I thought of leaving out Math and perfect my Aptitude and drawing, but even if I do so, I will be needing some  assistance  from Math to boost my rank a bit.  But hey! I still have NATA, which is apparently not happening till the end of May.  I thought of re-accomplishing certain things after the Boards which I was clearly unable of, courtesy the entrance exam!  I really want to,  1) Go shopping. Enough of being a lazy ass and deny the pleasure of it just for the sake that it irks me! I need to expand that stilletoes collection of mine! And what I need is a couple of dresses too! You might want to see this! Look, and you'll drool more than you'd ever drool on a guy! 2) Prepare an utterly-butterl...


Not really a Hola mood, companeros! It's getting claustrophobic-ally disgusting  for me to see the people whom I apparently considered "friends", let alone ignoring, disowning me for reasons they should probably have stayed out of. Or even if they didn't, for the sake of being "good friends" with the other person, they maybe forgot that any alliance is a two-way system, considering the other one too is human. Whatever happened to learning to listen to the other side of the story. Well just because I'm reputed to be the silent, "cocky bitch", doesn't mean I wouldn't be wanting to let the frustration of my side out! As much it doesn't hurt regarding the person who  rechristened me to be the "cocky bitch", it hurts that the people whom I REALLY loved from the deepest core of my heart, didn't even for once bother asking me at least about MY side of the mishaps. "I did this! You did that! I did that! You did this!...

It. Can. Only. Be. You.

Amarillo todas las.... Alrighty then! So I was simply conjuring up the fact that after I wrote for all the women in my life  here , it'd be pretty unfair for me to leave out the men! No, I'm not listing them altogether. It'll be a one-one affair, companeros! Yeah, go on crying about not being able to celebrate any internationally recognised Men Day! Seriously, so much for the male chauvinistic attitude of your ancestors. Had we been treated a little more nicely, you would have been christened to the "Abla Mard" today. And today's all the love goes to....*drumrolls* Aabhaas Anand. Ain't he just beautiful?!!?  We started out as mere fifth and seventh graders who started knowing each other during some dance practices on the terrace of a mutual friend. And what can you really expect from kids our age then! The conventional leg-pulling spree (Psst, I was the dominant one.) And one event led to another, one secret into another, a level of friendshi...

The Chronicles of April Levesque...III

Hola compaƱeros! So here's the third part of the series. Enjoy! You can read the previous parts   here . She extracted the heavy trolley bag from the deserted and dusty store room, which was more of a memory dump yard. She mopped up the filth enveloping the bag. She diminished the sliding door of the wardrobe to expose lavish gears. Her timber cubbyhole ranged from all brands of business suit to evening gowns to dresses to casual to swim-suits. A month! How many clothes would she cram under the Lycra dossier! Glaring the mile-long collection for a while, she plucked two evening gowns, two pairs of jeans, a couple of shorts, ample tees and shirts and a pair of swim-suit. She thought it to be enough. After all how much for sojourning alone! She felt proud to have remembered to pack the evening gowns. Surprise invitations, she thought, very much like Chief. She walked into the adjoining en suite and took out enough toiletries for herself. She unwillingly prisoned each item...


Hola compaƱeros! Alrighty then! I won my first blog award today, given to me by  Ajay.  Do check out his profile. He has some other amazing blogs too! Congratulations to him on his 200th blogpost. =) And so according to the regime, I've to Thank and link back the person who awarded me with it.(Which I did ^) Share 7 things about yourself. Award to 15 newly discovered great bloggers. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award. The four commandments now, 1) Thank you Ajay! This really means a lot. It just tells you that people do read your work, and this is just a boost for striving to write better. 2) Seven things about myself. I have very very funny and varied sort of nicknames which I'm timely rechristened with. Like really funny! I can't even write them. I Worship Jackie Collins! She's, after Sidney Sheldon, THE best story-teller. I'm a very irritable person.  I was smiling like a lunatic when I read that Ajay gave me an award. I...

The Chronicles of April Levesque...II

Hola compaƱeros! Alrighty then! This finally is the second instalment to a story that I started  The Chronicles of April Levesque . So here it goes. Driving back in her Carrera GT to her domicile. She ruminated that she would get a good night sleep after the longest possible time. Her work had never granted her a minute's respite from her mundane regime of her alter ego. April Levesque. She somehow was fond of the name. Chief always made sure to allot realistic self to each of his undercover proxy. After all so much for leading a fake, real lifestyle. She entered her penthouse. People had been dodgy about the kind of affluences they'd settled for their dear daughter in their will. Turning on the lights, she was exposed to the large void of a living room. She'd coveted to design it to the minimal. The monochromatic contemporary look of the house compelled people to question the fortune which might have been spent on it. As much comical this thought had been, she ...

Till Death Do Us Apart.

Hola compaƱeros! Again a part of  BluBluBling's  Awesome April.  She had been devastated when the news of her grandparents' car crash had reached her. Even holding herself together throughout the funeral had been like the dawning of apocalypse upon her. After all, they were all she had, when her parents walked out on her when she was only two. She'd always been inquisitive about Grandma's diary. She always noticed a smile on her face, whenever she saw her filling its pages up. She randomly opened up a date when she had written about their sixty-fifth anniversary. She couldn't help herself and,  February 14, 2012... And then I heard a hullabaloo. My anaemic, archaic eyes rummaged for the clock on the wall exactly to my right. I couldn't find my monocle, and I strived to presume the time with my handicapped eyes. The baby of it was walking somewhere between two or three. Ah! It was the usual time for Henry to have rats rioting in his already-stuffed-wit...

No One Else Comes Close To You..

Hola compaƱeros! So this is a part of  BluBluBling's  Awesome April again. And follows today's inspiration.  They waited for a sign all the while. The admonishing never sufficed to push them up to that pretty level. Some two years surpassed. They could never drop themselves onto one mutual deduction. They never fought, they used to profess, it were just silly, little arbitration. Their friends thought otherwise. Foes alike. What was it that they were awaiting? Even after two years of mishaps more than memories, what could have possibly been their binding glue. Or were they postponing the obligatory deed, on a sign. Just like he had anticipated for a sign from her to know when to take their mania to the successive echelon. But this penultimate year, they considered the ugliest. The ultimate saw them part. Even to this day, she can't stop rummaging the identical glare his eyes wore, when they used to clash with hers. She still yearns contemplating if a...

That Night.....

Hola compaƱeros! Phew! THAT was now quite a long span for missing writing! And no, this isn't the second instalment to my last post. It's a part of  BluBluBling's   Awesome April . She's posted the following picture as an inspiration for today's post.  That night. The water manipulated with her skin. Oh yes, it most certainly did! The sensation of the ice-cold water on the piquant ground made her feet linger with a tickle. All her life she'd been awaiting this moment. It seemed to her another era altogether. The obscurity of the night grew. She felt something under her feet. She just couldn't put her finger on what. She was eager to stay on the blistering ground which was laboriously fraternizing its own  heat as soon as the droplets started to fall on it like a flower of blessing. On this first night of the liberty she felt, the weather couldn't have been more reassuring than she'd anticipated it to be. "She would never walk again...