
Showing posts from December, 2015

BlogMas 2015 Day Twenty Four - BlogMas Ends

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twenty Four! It was my birthday today, like I said in the last post. But I'm not going to talk about that.  BlogMas is over, guys. Twenty four days of writing and it's been amazing for me. Through juries, and exams and sleepless nights - even though I did post a couple posts a day late, but I did share my days with you nonetheless. A very, very Merry Christmas. Have lots of Plum Cake with tutti-frutti, and watch some sloppy movies, and sing carols at the top of your voice. Most importantly, tell people you love, that you love them. No matter how. Be someone's secret Santa, and have yourself a merry little Christmas. Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Ak.

BlogMas 2015 Day Twenty Three! - Birthday! Birthday!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twenty Three! And it's my birthdayyyyyyyy at 12 midnight! It's been an awesome awesome night! My day was very normal. But my school friends kidnapped me at night. And then more school friends. And, some more. And a goodly amount of laughing. Lot of it, actually. Suffice it to say it's been grand. Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Ak.

BlogMas 2015 Day Twenty Two! - Nirbhaya

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twenty Two! Boring, boring boring day. Just literally lied around all day doing nothing. On the flip side, I reckon, I needed that. I also updated myself with all the news going about since I was unable to do so in the past couple weeks, since I had dived my nose into laptop and books. So the juvenile convicted in the Nirbhaya case was released without having his identity made known. What a decision, System, what a decision! The guy who was violent enough to shove a rod inside a woman and pull out her insides with his hands was just a curious puberty-stricken teenager, looking for a quick nookie, and definitely should be given a chance to make a life for himself.  Now the respected society of this country has nothing to say about anybody being intolerant, or any action that has been taken to be intolerant for the victim's parents. Because the bloody juvenile law of this country says so. All the convicts confessed of the juvenile to...

BlogMas 2015 Day Twenty One! - Cutest GIF Ever!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twenty One! MY EXAMS ARE O-V-E-R! Done, and dusted. I can't admit to how much of a relief that is. But, it also distresses me a bit, as well. Because, next semester will be my last one in college, and enter real world. But that is still secondary of my concerns at the moment. What's really making me anxious and panicky is thesis. I am absolutely gutted, as to what I'm going to do. And I mean that not in a clueless manner. I know what I wish to do, but I'm skeptical if I'll be able to see it through as a vision. Because it doesn't always pay to work hard - sometimes it is crucial to be different, and still keep your head on about realistic appeals of it, and be practical. But. On the flip side. I have a Secret Santa. Who gave me these beautiful handmade notebooks with the loveliest of paper inside. It made my day. Really. And it's just four days to Christmas, guys. Oh! I also experimented with two new recipes to...

BlogMas 2015 Day Twenty! - Cupcakes!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twenty! I made some Chocolate Banana & Peanut Cupcakes. Oh yeah! They were unbelievably soft, and mind you, I made them sans baking powder. They were utterly butterly delicious. I think that used to the Amul butter advertisement when I was a kid. Also, it didn't need a convention. Just your microwave. Am I not awesome? I am going to taste a lot of freedom tomorrow. No joke. My exams end tomorrow. Guess, who's birthday coming up? Apart from Jesus, I mean. Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Ak.

BlogMas 2015 Day Nineteen! - Christmas Playlist

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Nineteen! I, yet again, spent my day contemplating all the possible templates and layouts for the Wordpress blog. The moment I'm done editing and finalising one, I find another better, more suitable one. This is literally starting to get on my nerves. Rest assured, I'll have it out before Christmas. Also, I tried on a new recipe for pasta. I don't know what to call it yet. But, if you want, I'll surely post up the recipe for you. Until then I have to get back to structures because I am fah-ree-king out. It's not the best of my fortes. I'll have to leave here for today, but do enjoy my Christmas playlist! Here's the  link , in case the videos don't take you to YouTube. Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have Yourself a Merry Little Christm...

BlogMas 2015 Day Eighteen! - Blog Snow!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Eighteen! It's just a week until Christmas! I'm so excited! Can you see the red, Santa snow on my blog? Can you?! Awesome, ain't it? Here's my shenanigans from past couple'a weeks.   Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Ak.

BlogMas 2015 Day Seventeen! - Take A Break!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Seventeen! My day literally went by trying to push myself to study town planning. It's that lax phase you have in school when you're given too many preparatory leaves for the lesser evil of a subject. But I did consume that first breath of fresh air, for the juries are now over. There is still literally, so much, I'm left to do with, and that'd be mainly because I haven't started yet. The biggest hurdle in editing the WordPress blog, for good, is twice it has happened, that I'm almost through with setting the entire layout of my blog and putting in information......and I find myself gazing at a better recommended template. What are the blooming odds? Twice! And that's not even literally odd. And as for delaying everything else that I need to do with my house, well... Honestly, everything has been such a whirlwind that I've lost track of even remembering to drink water. A couple of days ago, I woke up e...

BlogMas 2015 Day Sixteen! - No Baubles =(

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Sixteen! Less than ten days to Christmas! Shake it, girl, shake it! Alright! Juries done, two papers to go, and exaggerated freedom! Also some time for some DIY. I have a lot of ideas and things stored up to do, including some decoration yet to do for my room. Now, is it a shame or what! Anyhow. I had another quite chill day yesterday. Also, I'd really like some suggestions for places I can buy baubles, because the proper ones can be found only in high-end home and living showrooms, and honestly, I'm sure there are places where they are on a scheme so I'm not precisely willing to pay three or four grands on just ten glass baubles. I don't have much to talk of today. But I'll be back, tomorrow. For sure!  Until then. Also, in case you don't follow me everywhere, you can find me at following places: Instagram             Twitter Snapchat: akankshash Have ...

BlogMas 2015 Day Fifteen! - Little Black Book

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Fifteen! I finally got a lot of sleep, and the poor thing that my life is, the day I could sleep out to my heart's content, I woke up at half past thirty in the morning like a damn guard dog, staring at my ceiling doing absolutely nothing. But I did make me some frittata, cause I love me some frittata. Basically today was just a chill day, and I did browse through a lot more lists of books that I can read. 2015 lists, mostly. I'm really onto classics right now, mostly in the tune to relive some of my childhood's best moments when I'd first read Charles Dickens, and Enid Blyton, and Lewis Carroll, and Thomas Hardy, and Emily Brontƫ, and Mark Twain, and Roald Dahl. My best memories have been with Enid Blyton and Charles Dickens. I can't even count how many times I've literally gotten into trouble for staying up with a torch under my blanket. I also read a lot of Tinkle. Suffice it to say, Suppandi and Shikari Shambu...

BlogMas 2015 Day Fourteen! - Urban Design Check!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Thirteen! As I said yesterday, today, it's eleven days to Christmas. My jury went absolutely well. And I am delighted. I'm breathing so easy, it's absolutely not funny. Every semester, each time I'm done through a design jury, I feel like I've climbed up a flight of really steep steps. But it was worth putting in everything I put into it, and have it appreciated.  I haven't the slightest clue how I drove and reached home. I don't even remember what route I took. I literally slept off at one of the signals because it was blooming 110 seconds long. The person behind me had to honk like twice to get me moving. Just hoping I didn't kill anyone. I came home and flopped myself onto the bed. I was off in a bloody second.  I had written Day Twelve & Thirteen on their respective days but never got around to posting them because they weren't properly written in an order so I didn't post them. I tho...

BlogMas 2015 Day Thirteen! - Christmas Movies

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Thirteen! It's just twelve days to Christmas. On day twelve, it was thirteen days to Christmas. I'm simply rambling. Don't bother me. Still working, though my sheets are done, and I'm onto the model now. You have absolutely no idea how relieved I am that i've finished my sheets, and had them printed this evening. It's literally, like a load off my chest. And tomorrow, after 5pm in the evening, I'll taste freedom. You see, Urban Design is a work done in groups, unlike general architecture studios. And, initially I had no problem with it because I thought that more people means more brains, more ideas, more effort. But, well. You all know what I said about mediocrity a few days ago. Fortunately, I was comfortable with my UD partner, and I'm happy with what we've designed. So I'm hopeful for tomorrow. Nervous and scared, but hopeful.  The juries and exams post design are very minutely trivial, to be ho...

BlogMas 2015 Day Twelve! - So Sleepy

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Twelve! It's a Saturday, and I've been in my little side of the bed, absolutely transfixed in front of my laptop, scowling at Photoshop because it just won't import my sheet. It's also a Saturday which feels like Friday as I've been here and not moved unless I really had to take a wee since three in the morning of Thursday, working away. But this sounds like the story of every semester, every six months.  It's actually nuts on my bed - has been for three days. There's a mountain of sheets over me, around me. The only things I can spot clearly is my redder than red blanket, and my laptop, which is of course staring me in the face. It's definitely probably cursing me right now. I'm going to get back to work because really, I don't want to fail design or put up hasty, untidy, uninteresting or unappealing sheets. NOPE! I apologise, in advance, if my posts seem too random until Monday or Tuesday. ...

BlogMas 2015 Day Eleven! - Candle Crazy

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Eleven! See, I crossed the ordeal of first ten days. Just joking, I love being here. Yep! you guessed right, I've been working. Slow, though, snail-speed. I had the longest nap in the history of the entire human existence. It was napping of the highest order, hibernation level. Drifted off around two or three, don't remember. I actually also got a couple phone calls in between and I don't remember what I said. Finally drifted out of it at ten in the night. I mean, what the hell! And that's after three days, so please don't judge.  I went crazy again, and bought more candles. My house looks like a warehouse for tea  and votive candles. Scout's honour, I have the glass jars to prove it. Speaking of, I've still got a Christmas tree somewhere that needs to be shopped and decorated. It's sad, you don't get freshly grown Christmas trees here. And some gifts and cards to be distributed. I'm really upset...

BlogMas 2015 Day Ten! - 36 Hours Now

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Ten! (Well, ten shacked up with eleven) After working all of Wednesday, and Thursday and until mid morning of Friday, I ultimately had some sleep in the afternoon, Friday that is, since it's Saturday now. Honestly, design just minified my Christmas vibe by a mile. Okay, maybe half of it. I veritably can't wait anymore for Monday to pass, and for design to end. I don't reckon I have ever wished for any jury to fly by in an attempt to just get away with it. I actually began the semester liking urban design, but along the way it sort of drifted away from me, the purpose of properly utilising all that urbanism in architecture to design cities, and not take just a little chunk of it to and limit the possibility to see what only a few buildings can do. Seems a little far fetched, putting it like that. Well, if your design is sensible, only one is enough to make a difference, but what urban design basically is, it's for the majori...

BlogMas 2015 Day Nine! - Mediocrity

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas Day Nine! I finally caught a couple hours of sleep at nine this morning, and went off on my work as usual by the afternoon. It feels like a hectic day, but until just Sunday night. I can almost bloody well smell a little relaxation from Monday onwards. I didn't anticipate how much time it'd actually take me to finish what I've been working on for today, so I reckon being here is a well-justified break for me.  I'm sincerely and genuinely hoping with every fibre I possess that I finish the majority of work by Friday afternoon, so I can work during the weekend comfortably and not be stressed for the jury, come this Monday. But since I am me, stressing out is inevitable. Well, for most part. Today I tweeted that "I'm understanding now why people are content with being average. There's safety in mediocrity." And I literally believe this. It struck me while working today, how laid back it is to be different...

BlogMas 2015 Day Eight! - Book Crazy!

Hello, everybody! And it's BlogMas day Eight! Since, I apologised for writing two posts late in the last one, you can merrily go have a read at that too. Today was a not so pleasant day for me. Wasn't feeling too well, and not much up to a lot of good, so I've been working at my pace and still am. Because analysis sheets are a bitch like that.  We still weren't able to finish the site model, and my sheet is yet to be completed and arranged so beautifully that juror goes all gaga and listens to you patiently without interrupting like a own-your-arse-know-it-all just because you put the damn effort into the sheets you made. I've been feeling not so much up for anything also, about which I'll share with you tomorrow, positively! Right now, I have to get back to work. If you've been following me on Twitter, you know I became a nutter again in the book shop on Sunday. So here are some books I bought! Went slightly gonzo on the classics, seeing as Christ...